Archives for Henna Tattoos

Henna Tattoos

Trained by Ash Kumar (Henna Guinness Book record holder)
Quotes depending on chosen designs.
Available for Weddings, Parties, fairs or any social events.

We sell ready made non chemical Henna Cones £1.50 each

Additional Information

*The longer you leave the Henna the more darker finish look you will achieve

Everybody has different skin types and skin tones this means that some people will take more from the Henna dye than others

Even though we only use natural organic ingredients, we still recomend that you apply the Henna to a small area first and leave for 24 hrs

If you are not going to be using the Henna Cones straight away then please refrigerate or freeze them as soon as possible. Remember for best results use as soon as you can.

Always try and keep the applied area warm as possible for a Darker finish

For best results try and keep the Henna on the applied area of skin moist as possible, bu using lemon and sugar solution, this will help the Henna to release into the skin for longer.


*The longer you leave the Henna the more darker finish look you will achieve

Everybody has different skin types and skin tones this means that some people will take more from the Henna dye than others

Even though we only use natural organic ingredients, we still recomend that you apply the Henna to a small area first and leave for 24 hrs

If you are not going to be using the Henna Cones straight away then please refrigerate or freeze them as soon as possible. Remember for best results use as soon as you can.

Always try and keep the applied area warm as possible for a Darker finish
For best results try and keep the Henna on the applied area of skin moist as possible, this will help the Henna to release into the skin for longer.